This Is One Of The Best Dealers You Can Go To. They Are Very Welcoming And Honest. After Being Scammed Out Of Thousands Of Dollars I Was Able To Come To Marciano And Get A Car For A Good Price And In Outstanding Condition. Frank And Robert Made The Process Fast And Easy . This Place Deserves All 5 Stars !!!!
Chapo El
They helped me find the SUV I was looking for, down to the color, hassle free, worked with me alot and very professional! Definitely recommend to anyone looking for a vehicle.
Troy L.
This review has been a long time coming. After a couple of nightmarish experiences at dealers that were worse than I ever thought possible, Marciano Auto Group was a breath of fresh air. Frank and Frankie listened to the horror stories and laughed with me and described similar stories they had heard from their other customers. They were very transparent about their business process and treated me like family. They worked with me to make a deal to get me in a beautiful Mustang Convertible that I had been wanting for a while. I cannot recommend these guys highly enough and would suggest their business to anyone looking for a car. They will take care of you!
Dustin B.